
Contents Pages Resources Pages Preloading a page tells the browser that the user is definitely going to visit a page and the browser should get that page ready to load immediately. For example, an application has an intro screen to describe what the application is about. Once users accept entry into the application, the logical next page they would visit would be the home or main page. Ideally, users would want that page to load as quickly as possible....

Critical Path

The “Critical Path” defines the process of the browser downloading, parsing and rendering a webpage. This is broken up into the following process: Network download HTML DOM parse CSSOM parse Layout Paint / Render JavaScript onload There are many bottlenecks that can occur during these steps and limiting issues in each one is paramount to delivering a quick and performant webpage. Network Download Note: Downloading additional assets can add time to first paint or interactive mode...


Pre-fetching gives the browser the ability to know what resources will need to be downloaded right away or in the future. Contents DNS prefetching Resources DNS prefetching Useful if assets are going to be downloaded from an external URL (other than hosted domain). For example, if fonts are going to be loaded from CDN, the DNS prefetching hint can tell the browser to start a connection to that location....


This is just the start of my findings, notes and examples. I hope that I can use this platform to show my progression of learning things. It will also be helpful for me as I try to pull together all those topics that make up the web. I will do my best to try to keep things updated, but as we know, the web moves very quickly. Also, it is my intention to keep topics organized so that when I need to locate something for research, reference or discussion, I will have it at the ready....